Thar’ She Blows!!!

We have flow.

Yes this weekend we finished plumbing in the waste tank.

I am very happy that if we had the boat in the water the head would be fully functional.



I still have to glass in a block to mount the pump on but she does work just fine.

The only items reused in the waste system are 4 feet of hose from the deck fitting to under the icebox ( may replace) and the toilet bowl itself.


To celebrate the completion of the waste system I arranged for a flyby of the GoodYear Blimp.



In the second photo you can see the drawers I had to remove to access the plumbing under the icebox.

Ok, Lori just told me the blimp may have been in town for the Nascar Races in Daytona. I still think it was here to celebrate my poo progress.

2 thoughts on “Thar’ She Blows!!!

    • It is not really evident in the photos but the plumbing is actually spaces about 1″ (a roll of electrical tape as a spacer) away from the hull. I was thinking of closed cell foam in the gap but am now leaning toward hangers from the underside of the bench. The only hard connections are the ones visible at the tank, all the rest have hose to allow for flex.

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